تنفجر بثلاث طرق لصنع مشروبات من أكياس الشاي اللذيذة والجذابة

لا غنى عن المحادثات مع الأصدقاء لاحتساء فنجان من الشاي. سوف تشعر بصوت دافئ للشاي ، مر قليلاً ، حلو ، باقٍ على طرف لسانك.
6 آب 2023 بواسطة
Thuy Diem
How to make Zaam green tea: The secret to enjoying a perfect cup of tea.

تعتبر أكياس الشاي مشروبًا شائعًا إلى حد ما ، ليس فقط في فيتنام ، ولكن أيضًا في جميع أنحاء العالم.
​1. شاي كريمة الجبن (ماكياتو)
يحتوي شاي الجبن الكريمي على المكونات الرئيسية هي أكياس الشاي والقشدة الدهنية وكريم الحليب الطازج. فنجان الشاي مقسم إلى لونين مميزين ، الجزء السفلي بني غامق من فلتر أكياس الشاي ، والجزء العلوي مغطى بطبقة من الكريمة البيضاء التي تبدو جذابة للغاية. انقر برفق ستشعر بالدهون أولاً ، وستنخفض المرارة الطفيفة للشاي ، حلاوة السكر الممتاز.

​1.1 المكونات:
+ 1 كيس شاي كيس فلتر ليبتون
+ 30 مل كريم دسم
+ 10 مل كريم حليب طازج
+ 15 جرام سكر أبيض
+ 10 مكعبات ثلج

1.2 How to do it?
Soak the tea bag in 200ml boiling water for about 3-5 minutes, then remove the tea bag, add 15g of white sugar, stir to dissolve the sugar. Put 30ml of Rich fat cream and 10ml of Base topping cream in a large bowl, sprinkle with a little salt, use an electric mixer to beat until the mixture is smooth. Fill a glass of tea with ice cubes nearly full. Then pour the just-mixed toppings on top and finish the super cool macchiato juice that can be cooked right away. 

2. Peach tea bag filter
With a piece of sweet and crunchy peach, fragrant tea with lemongrass and orange flavor, you can make it yourself as you like. If you like lemongrass a lot, you can cook lemongrass with sugar water, if you want to add more peach flavor, you can add peach juice. It is very easy to have an impressively fragrant peach tea.

2.1 Ingredients:
+ 2 pieces of box peaches
+ 2 lemongrass plants
+ 1 orange
+ 1 tea bag filter
+ 200g peach juice
+ 30g white sugar
+ 2 basil leaves
+ Ice cubes

2.2 How to do it?

Smash the lemongrass tree, cut it into medium pieces. Cook a little water with the sugar until it boils and the sugar dissolves. Put the tea bags in a glass with the lemongrass cut into pieces. Prepare boiled sugar water, dip and steep the tea. Another way to increase the flavor of lemongrass tea if you like it is to add lemongrass, cut into pieces and cook with sugar water until it boils, then add it. After brewing the tea and cooling down, remove the tea bags, add ice cubes. Pour in peach juice. Cut oranges into round slices, cut orange pieces in half, add to garnish. Add a few pieces of pickled peaches and the rest of lemongrass to garnish with some mint or basil leaves on top for a cool taste.

3. Cloth tea bag filter
The fragrant lychee tea is a fruit tea that is as popular as peach tea. The cup of litchi tea is attractively presented, with the aroma of litchi lightly scented with Lipton tea, along with the cool and sweet taste that will surely cool your spirit on hot sunny afternoons.

3.1 Ingredients:
+ 1 tea bag Lipton filter bag
+ 3 soaked lychees
+ 20g white sugar
+ 50g ice cubes

3.2 How to do it?
Put 1 Lipton tea filter bag into a glass, pour in about 120ml of hot boiling water. Wait 5 minutes when the water turns brown, then take out the tea bag. Add 20g sugar (the amount of sugar you can adjust depending on your preference), stir until the sugar dissolves. Take 1 soaked lychee in a shaker shaker until the fabric is slightly crushed. Add the tea, 3 tablespoons of the lychee water and ice cubes to the pot, close the lid and shake well. Shake until the tea foams, pour into a glass, decorate with 2 lychees and a few fresh mint leaves, and your family will have a refreshing cup of lychee tea for hot sunny days.

Each drink will bring you fat, sweet, and bitter, all harmoniously blended. Take advantage of your free time to make yourself a cup of tea to enjoy, sip with a book. It will definitely help you feel more comfortable, mentally refreshed.

Thuy Diem 6 آب 2023
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